Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Making Brownies

Is it possible? When I went to the place that hosts my site gaelencooper.com, I saw that 78 people visit each day? According to the Blogging Marin article there are at least 8 million Americans that have created a blog. Wow.

Morgan is watching Scooby Doo Where Are You? So I have a few minutes to write.
I keep hearing the song in the background and remember watching Scooby Doo as a kid. Some things never change.

There is pre-school story time today at the library. Currently I am doing the 3rd load of laundry while I write. Morgan can be a fuss getting into the car to go any where in the afternoon. She is sleepy and wont take a nap. She then becomes a fussy 3 year old. A fussy 3 tear old gives me a massive headache. We also need to stop at the market. I could tell her we will get her a muffin. Of course she will want a chocolate chip muffin.

I had a weird dream last night. All day I've been thinking about it. Should I e-mail the person who was in the dream with me?

Well after finishing that sentence Morgan called me to come and lay on the couch with her. Happy to agree to rest with her I laid down on the couch. We decided to make brownies which was fine with me, the sweet tooth I am. They are whole wheat which I feel is better than flour.

We never got to the library but we did get to the market. Morgan saw the cheetos by the milk and was shouting CHEETOS! So of course since I love to spoil her and feel bad about it later I got them for her.

Morgan is in her room painting which is so cute. I hope my mom is watching her. I thought I would be able to write today and not mention my mom. I continue thinking about my dream last night but I am also thinking about my mom all the time.

Well I "Gotta Blast" as Jimmy Neutron would say.

P.S. It feels good that it is the first day of Spring.

March 21

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