Sunday, March 05, 2006

Its all true

I'm sitting here in the office typing in the pouring rain. Pouring rain isn't a good sleeping buddy for me. The tap, tap, tap on the roof doesn't lull me to sleep. Sara our cat coming in from the rain crying to be dried off doesn't help either.

So, I will write. About what I don't know yet. The story about how sold for $10,000.00 is always a good story to tell. I spoke about that story at the center today. A few people came up to me after the service to say "Wow! What a great story." The good thing about that story is it's all true. The other good thing about that story is it's an example how Spirit is always working for you. Spirit/God/Mother/Father always provides.

In this case the way Spirit provided for me was to my liking. In truth the way Spirit provides isn't always, at first to my liking. I guess there has to be some space to step back and see the bigger picture. Making the time for solitude.

Life is good for me right now. I love doing my blog. Morgan at 3 years old gets in her car seat without a tantrum. I have a small amount of time to call my mom to check in with her. I love my friends. I am looking forward to the new pictures of Morgan on the site. I love my man and I am looking forward to seeing him come home from Santa Barbara tonight. I am grateful. Thats it I am grateful. If you have time click on on bottom of the contact us page. Read, light a candle, or go to features where I am going right now.

March 5th

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