Saturday, March 11, 2006

I am so surprised

I am in shock. My mom passed away this morning. Carrie called me at 7AM and I didn't get up to get the phone. Mark was gone at 5:30AM to work in Burlingame. After laying in the bed with Morgan who got up at 6:30 for her bottle. It occurred to me "Who would call at 7AM on a Saturday morning?" So I got up and listened to the messages. It was Carrie who left a message to say mom had passed.

I am so surprised. I just spoke to my mom yesterday and she sounded fine. Well she said, "The nurse is here to fix me up." She thought the hospice worker was a nurse. I do not quite remember what Carrie said about my mom passing this morning. I do remember crying.

I thought, "Who should I call?" I called my friend Katie who lives in the mid west and I knew she would be awake. I had just sent an e-mail to her to say my mom wasn't gone yet and I would be very surprised if she left this month. I am just very surprised she left this morning.

I have a headache. I called my sister Colleen and we laughed a little about my mom. She and I both felt better. Mark came home from work and he is sort of sleeping, holding Morgan on the couch while she watches a cartoon on the Disney channel.

Did I say I have a headache? I called Rev. Karyl for a prayer this morning. That helped.

Morgan could see I was upset so she got her ukulele out and sang me the Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Her little 3 year old voice is so sweet.

I knew my mom's passing was coming. I have blogged about it but I am surprised.
Why? I don't know. I had warning. I am surprised that an entire life could leave this plane so fast. I am sad.

March 11th

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