Friday, January 01, 2021

365 Opportunities


                                Happy 2021!

Thank you to Elizabeth Austin for the cartoon :)  

Yes I've been quiet, I've also been happy in my quiet. Actually I've been very happy. 

The path I've been walking on has provided me with many realizations, 

one of them being the quote "All Is Well" is actually a statement of TRUTH.  

2020 brought me a garden, alone time to deepen my inner being, a cabin in Tahoe and a

stationary bicycle. I could go on but hopefully you get the message, All Is Well.

What I'm trying to say is, my outside is a reflection of my inside. I am happy and proud to 

say it.

Yes there were some upsets, global climate changes (fires in No. Cal), Covid-19 pandemic 

(Morgan is doing her senior year online), the killing of George Floyd (Black Lives Matter). 

This is a short list, visit 2020-Wikipedia if you feel the need to review what happened.

One realization for me is that prayer works and I use it 24/7. 

I remember that there is only one presence and that it is the presence of love and it is 


I am a child of the loving presence, in me contains everything that the loving presence is, 

strength, joy, opulence, wisdom. 

I have the ability to choose happiness and release any fear that has a grip on me and

the knowledge that All Is Well regardless of circumstances.

My ability to know what is true for me is true for you!

2021 offers 365 opportunities for you to choose what brings you happiness. It could be 

exercise, reading books, sitting by the fireplace, sewing, zoom calls, meditation, cooking, 

walking your dog, petting your cat, gardening, going to the beach, I could go on and on.

The question is, what works for you? What do you need to release from 2020 that is 

holding you from becoming New Year New You? 

Peace and Love, Gaelen


SandyB said...
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SandyB said...
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SandyB said...

Love this post! My hope is for you and everyone to grab hold of their opportunities in 2021, in our quest to become a New You in the New Year. 2021 definitely has to be better than 2021. Happy New Year. Namaste🙏🏽