Friday, June 26, 2009


Yes, I've heard stories about people who don't kill animals, don't kill humans, don't kill themselves but to speak the truth I have killed spiders. I am not for killing anyone or anything, yet I have killed spiders. I hook up the hose to the vacuum and suck them up. Before I play executioner I say, meet your maker. I started to feel bad about killing spiders so I asked Mark to kill them for me. Myself being just so afraid of creepy, crawly spiders I did not see the need to have them hang around the house. When I heard Morgan say she was afraid of a spider on the ceiling I new that my fear of spiders was what had sunk into Morgan.
In an attempt to be kind to spiders I put on house cleaning gloves and would have Morgan open the back door and then I would take the dust pan and chase the spider onto it and run out the back door and set the spider onto the deck. We would then celebrate how we were the hero's that saved a spider. I remembered that our house spiders don't really live that long and aren't always around the house although when I walked around the house to take today's out of focus picture I did see a few. Now that I've tried to make friends with house spiders I am not as scared of them as I use to be. I just leave them alone and they stay away from me.
In thinking about war today and the many people being killed across the globe, why is it we choose to not to be kind and loving? Why not choose peace? I have chosen to make peace with spiders and it feels great. Why not choose peace today?

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