Saturday, February 11, 2006


I have a few minutes to type this as Mark reads Morgan her bed time books. He speeds through them which is something I don't really like. Tomorrow Mark is working so Morgan and I will drive 2 hours to see my Mom. She sounded better when I spoke with her today, she ate 1 piece of toast which is the most she has eaten all week.
Ugh. I was called for jury duty today. I will tell them I refuse to pass judgment on another person. I think that will get me out of being selected as a juror. At least that's what my friend Joyce says that she did. Its true anyway I don't want to pass judgment on any one else anyway.
Morgan slept thru the night last night so I am feeling well rested. Sometimes the 2 hour drive wears me out. I am glad we have the DVD player in the car so she can watch a movie. I get so sad around my Mom and find myself emotionally worn out too. Transition shouldn't be a scary thing, but to me it is. I am glad I know I am an eternal being. I don't like change sometimes.
I received the Cobra information in the mail along with the jury duty thing. The insurance will cost 885.00 a month for Morgan and I. I can't stand how in America we treat our people so horribly health wise. Where are our free doctors? Thats 10,620.00 a year. I don't even want to write about it anymore. I think that is how much Morgan's Montessori school costs.
I feel this is a strange, strange world. Time for me to cut up a pear for Morgan.
Feb 11