This is a real life story of choosing a different way, walking a different path.
Take a trip to Costco with me. When we walk thru the door we veer right to the meat aisle,
then to the cleaning aisle, then milk/eggs aisle, then cereal/soup aisle
and end up at the registers.
Walking into Costco I said lets go around backwards.
I wanted to get the protein powder for our smoothies first.
I was speaking my Truth.
Listening to the Spirit inside, the creator of new ideas.
Yes there was grumbling from Mark.
The kind that says "that's not the way we do it".
Once we were finished with the left side we made our way to the meat asile.
We turned the corner and right in front of us was one of Mark's closest friends
who we haven't seen in almost 3 months.
We were so glad to see a man who had spent 3 months in the hospital driving the shopping
cart with wheels.
Had we gone into Costco and done our shopping in usual way we would have missed his friend.
Choosing to do things in a new way resulted in an opportunity to share love and
I like "the unusual", following new ideas because I have the Power and Freedom to do it.
Peace & Love, Gaelen