Sunday, June 06, 2021

There Is Beauty Here


If I see a wasp I will either say someone get a broom or I will get a 
broom and shoo it out of the house or beat it away. Sometimes beating it away could end up in a death situation for the wasp but not always. I do have to say while working on the cabin remodel, once the drywall was removed there was a wasp nest. Two things I am super glad about was 1. I wasn't there. 2. The winter 10 degree weather removed anyone from getting stung as wasps are not friends with being frozen. I'm sure they thought in the summer of some unknown year "Yay, this looks like a good nice warm place!" Interesting how sometimes you think something is really great and it turns out to be not really great at all. That is a conversation for another time. Anyway when Mark texted me the picture I was stunned by the creative beauty here. It almost looks like a bowl attached to the wood. Amazing wasps work together to form that. A nest to protect the queen. An effort to save a life so to say. There is soooo much we can do working together. Everything Is Awesome Everything Is Cool When Your Part Of A Team (taken from the Lego movie). Collaboration, vison ideas, realization of goals, service, the feeling of happiness when you realize you don't have to do everything alone. I have found that a sense of belonging opens my heart. Small groups, zoom groups, mask wearing groups, outdoor groups, make up your own group.

Peace and Love, Gaelen