Saturday, August 01, 2020

Something Is Growing

Life Force is soooo amazing. From One small seed, plus drip line you can grow just about anything. Have to say Mark and I (ok Mark did all the drip line, plus heavy lifting and planting anything I couldn't reach) created this beautiful garden during the "stay home stay safe" pandemic. What you see did take 4 months of sweat and hard labor and yes some SMALL starters.
I'm so happy to witness, that I am the cause of my own experience. I plant the seed where I want it and it grows what I want. 
I have found in the last 6 months of Pandemic Life, that it is like a garden. It needs attention, weed pulling and changes to be made. 
Most importantly there is always something growing, especially in my mind. 
When I feel stress, I have the opportunity to change that experience. I meditate twice daily, just sitting for 20 minutes with my eyes closed helps me remember, all things come to pass. To release fear. 
I guard my thinking and I do not plant thoughts that I don't want to live there.  
Love lives there, Faith lives there, Affirmations live there, Peace lives there. Music lives there. 
My Sweet Lord is definitely this months absolute favorite "I Really Want To See You" 
This song brought tears to my eyes. I was looking at the garden, sitting next to Mark, listening to the birds I could really feel what the song My Sweet Lord calls to.
The beauty of everything around me. I am holding tight to that feeling, God is in everything I see. Things I like and things I don't like, there is Life Force everywhere. I can create any feeling I want and let go of any feeling that does not serve me. Life Is Good.