Saturday, May 16, 2020

I'm Sick of Saying What COVID Day is It?

I have a computer that has the date in it, a watch that has the date in it , an iPhone that has the
date in it, a day at a time inspirational flip calendar by my bed,  an iPad that has the date in it.
Yes sometimes I want to forget the date as I love staycation and I am realizing it is slowly coming to an end.
I am used to the life I have made during the become restful, slow down and  relax time.
I am so grateful that my gluten free baking skills beats anything you find in the market. 
The photo is the remains of chocolate chip blueberry bread that became a large scone and Mark gobbled it up. Morgan not so much as she doesn't like blueberries.
I am so grateful that we are have healthy immune systems, eat nutritious food, walk outside daily or I should say Mark and I.  Morgan does come out of her room though.  I live in an environment that doesn't have crowds. Wash my hands 10 times a day. Keep the windows open for fresh air. 
I have soooo much to be thankful for.
I am imagining the times ahead to be just as exciting as the content changes and I keep my
eyesight open to see all the good that the Universe is constantly giving me.

Monday, May 04, 2020

COVID is the perfect time to start thinking about Halloween

What follows is a saved blog from the way back when:
I am not really a dress up for Halloween kind of gal. This year we have 3 different places to be on
Saturday night (the 30th) and it is supposed to rain. I borrowed an outfit from my friend, the same
outfit I borrowed last year, and the same out fit I will wear this year. I might buy it from her and keep
it forever.
I did not buy the not really a doctor outfit, Mark got us Star Trek outfits that I now wear every

Saturday, May 02, 2020

I do remember the beginning of COVID Day...

 Ok the date that Morgan's high school decided to go Social Distancing was Friday the 13th, not exactly scary but definitely weird. I guess its how you choose think about things.
 Yes I am grateful that I have a job that is considered essential and was not told to shut down. 2 days a week gets me to drive my car and use the electric 10 miles that my car gives me before switching to gas. 
 Here at Casa Cooper it really began when Mark left to snowboard in Tahoe for 2 weeks, March 16th which worked well for Morgan and I because Mark not being in the house for St. Patrick's day meant cookies cookies cookies for Morgan and I.
 Wait... I just noticed that life with gaelen came to life in 2006, 14 years ago when Morgan was 3. Just thinking about the last 14 years is making my head spin way more than wearing a mask when you go to the market does.
 I'm thinking it's safe (since safety is important) to say I love stay-cation. I am actually busy most of the time between making home made yogurt in the instant pot, participating in twice daily TM (Transcendental Meditation) zoom feeds, walking around the neighborhood, cleaning and re cleaning the house, making lunch and dinner, binge watching Netflix, M-F checking Ameritrade stock figures yes stock figures, as it is Mark and I's part in home schooling. Love to say I am the leader between us as to the person whose investment is doing the best.
Now that life with gaelen and I have gotten back together its another way to keep busy.

What COVID Day Is It

Yay I remember how many days it’s been with the stay at home order.