Sunday, November 30, 2014

Turkey Day = Yummy Happiness

Ginger bread house set up again 2014. While the turkey cooked. Morgan drew and cut out the cala lily's for our center piece.
Well actually we cooked our own turkey. No help from buy your meal from Whole Foods or Paradise Market
This year we put the brined turkey in the Trager wood pellet BBQ and while it was cooking we did the ginger bread house.
This year Christmas snake from last year's ginger bread house has made an appearance, from the freezer. It broke in half and tanks to the icing it was repaired. :)
Looking forward to December holidays. Kinda now in a hurry to get our lamb rack on the dinner table and put on Star Trek Voyager for a 2 episode mini marathon. Meaning everyone in bed at 9PM because school starts tomorrow.