Turkey Menorah
Yummy Yummy
Christmas Snake
Happy Happy to you! whichever holiday you are celebrating another Happy Happy to you!
We had a great time at the post thanksgiving and current Hanukah celebration last night. My favorite Oyster Rockefeller along with tons of caviar and a memory of didn't my doctor say to stay away from tons of bread and cheese?
I must back up though to Thanksgiving morning at my house where Mark and Morgan built a Fab gingerbread house with our newest member Christmas snake and all morning we ate homemade pumpkin spice muffins while I cooked.
Tonight as I sat down to write this Mark had the rack of lamb on the BBQ and I have to say the lamb with the stuffing and sweet potatoes and green beans was DeLish! Happy too that all the leftovers are gone!
Amazing that on December 1st we could still walk down ok drive down to Blackie's Pasture and
Mark and Morgan could play football. My Fitbit just popped up and said overachiever 12,640 steps today 5.19 miles walked which is for sure making me feel better about eating that yogurt ice-cream sandwich after dinner.