Saturday, March 31, 2012

What, St. Patrick's Day Again?

OK this is a Christmas Ornament that we kept in the garage this year but hey it's Spring-ish right?

Yes, it is the last day of March but it does count as my March blog.......

Much to say about March... St. Patrick's Day.

This year Mark and Morgan went bird watching in the 40 degree morning weather as I got ready to go to a memorial.
Funny though as St. Patrick's Day is the day my step father passed away 19 years ago.
So at the memorial I felt strange as my friend Bea who passed has a twin sister and it was amazing too see her sister, not only does she obviously look like Bea but she had Bea's voice.
I was sad, sad, sad and crying too. I know and believe we are eternal souls but the loss of someone is hard on me.
I trust I will see Bea again yet I am scared thinking about the loss of my life on earth one day. Everyone leaves eventually myself included. We all sang the Irish Blessing song which now I can't hear with out wailing.

May the road rise up to meet you;
May the wind be always at your back;
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
And the rain fall soft upon your fields;
And until we meet again,
May God hold you
In the hollow of His hand.

Rev. Karyl who did the eulogy did say that when people are passing they don't say "I wish I would have worked harder" they say "I wish I would have said I'm sorry" or "I wish I would have forgiven a particular person" this memorial has asked me to remember to tell my friends and family how much I love them. To remember to apologize when I need to. To say sorry when I need to. To appreciate when it rains. To appreciate when its sunny. To appreciate life when I wake up and go to bed. To live in Gratitude.

Spring cleaning.... well this year we are putting new windows (double pane went bad in a few) so that means I don't have to clean any windows... I do have to get the step stool out and clean the top of the refrigerator... I am thinking of how I am feeling lazy and glad I can claim it as a once a year thing although it probably wouldn't hurt to clean the top of kitchen things more often. I guess I can pass it off to Mark. Sounds like a good idea. I do know sometimes things that sound like a good idea turn out to be a not so good idea but we shall see.

Pasta sauce has been in the crock pot 2 hours which means its dinner and movie time Kung Fu Panda 2
amazing you can get a movie at the market from a Blockbuster box.

Spring Blessings to you.
