Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

We went to 3 Halloween events last night and home by 9:15! Morgan made a cute little cheer leader, Mark and I wore our usual costumes. Actually I wore my usual borrowed costume.
I even had a good time at our Spiritual Center's Halloween party, Mark's work party and a Montessori family party.
Morgan only hit me in the head accidentally one time while taking this picture. Cheers for us.

Sitting here writing this I realized what is stressing me out about Halloween. It is the marker of how busy the next 2 months are for me.
This year we are driving to San Diego to have Thanksgiving dinner at my sisters and on the way home we are stopping at Mark's Aunts house to see his cousins + his brother who is flying in from Montana.

November is filled with 5 scheduled meetings so far, 1 Saturday 9-5 retreat, a week of teachers conferences where Morgan gets out of school at noon and the middle of the month is when the Spiritual Center I attend gears up for a Holiday Dinner for Homeward Bound of Marin (training and housing for homeless family's) and I recruit volunteers to help cook the dinner, set up the Hall and just writing all of this sent me into the kitchen to make some espresso.
Lots to do.  I don't even want to start thinking about December. Oh and I just remembered that I want to see a friend in San Diego while we are down there and I don't think that is going to happen.

This is screaming to me the need to remember to take car of myself first. Get some sleep, eat well, drink tea, enjoy friends and family, meditate and remember that all is well and miracles occur each moment when you slow down to witness them.