Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Happy semi-belated Valentines Day!

This is not only a story of Love, but a story of Hearts Desire and wishes being full filled.

Last year Morgan's class made a peace pole. The heart tile that Morgan made was soul centered for me. Desiring it really wasn't an impulse. I could see Morgan's love in that heart. Her beautiful creativity. The Divine power of Love that sets you free.
I so desired that peace pole! and I almost purchased it, yet I remembered there were other things that I actually desired and needed. At the auction it sky rocked over $1,000.00 and I choose to let it go. After the auction one of the people working on the peace pole let me know that the heart above is the first one she made. They couldn't use it because of the way the Spackle was attached. She had to make a second one which they attached to the pole. So my soul centered desire, my wish was given to me. The Universe is a magnificent place.
Morgan's heart tile now sits on our bathroom counter. I am so grateful. It constantly reminds me of Love energy that is ever present. The Love that heals and sets you free.
Valentines Day is a reminder that Love is Life itself. I often sing this Buddhist prayer to myself.

May you be filled with Loving Kindness.
May you be well.
May you be peaceful and at ease.
May you be happy.

Blessings, Gaelen

Monday, February 08, 2010

Turning 45

What is turning 45? I am not exactly sure.
I do remember when I was 25ish I found my first gray hair. I pulled it out of my scalp, taped it to a black piece of paper and gave it to my sister saying,
"You gave this to me."
Now that I have a whole lot of gray hairs, who can I blame? I guess there is no one to blame.
Is that why so many people dye their hair? Would it help me if I didn't see my gray hair?
Living in Marin with oh so many green people, I don't see too many people with a lot of gray hair.
Are most of the "Don't polish your nails" people and "Bring you own shopping bags to the grocery store" people dyeing their hair with toxin free hair dye?
As it is written on the back of my business card "Thinking makes it so" I guess I should start there.
Is getting older a scary thing? Well yes, to me it sort of is. Does this have anything to do with gray hair? Actually, not really. Is about change? Realizing that daily I change?
I suppose it is. I guess it does boil down to "Thinking make it so."
A received an e-mail from a friend that said, "Time flies, but luckily our kids get older and we keep feeling the same age." Remembering that I am 40ish helps.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Turning 7

Morgan turned 7 and it was so much fun! I don't know what is more surprising that she's 7 or I'm seven years older.