Well, I changed the type face thinking if I could see it better it might help me to think of something to write about but as I am typing this I am putting a CD in iTunes so I can sync it with my iTouch.
The iTouch is great. I remember in 1983 when I would listen to music with a hand held Sony CD player. If I wanted to hear it on the radio I would hook it up by inserting a cassette into the radio. It was large but worked.
Now 23 years later not only can you put music on the iTouch. Not just one CD but all of your CD's and all of your phone numbers, your calendar, photos, check the weather, look at todays stock market, check your e-mail, see what time it is, check out the web, look at travel maps, watch YouTube and my favorite listen to Podcasts.
By the way it is so small. You can put it in your pocket.
The future is here NOW and it is great.
Yes, I do believe that right now there is plenty to be grateful about.
My heart has been opened to compassion. I don't watch the news but people I know have lost their job, people I know have lost their home, people I know have lost their hope. I have sympathy and concern for others misfortunes yet I know that everything encountered has a valuable lesson.
Once long ago I was released from a job that I really enjoyed. I was scared and hurt. I was confused. I was living in a dark night of the soul.
I listened to my intuition and acted on it and began to follow my heart. I began to release my resistance to losing my job. The more I let go of my unhappiness the more room I had to fill myself back up with happiness.
Learning how to deal with healing myself in difficult times was indeed a large lesson and I am I am so grateful for it.
I remind myself that God is in this experience and only greater good can come from it and I rest in that Truth.