Sunday, April 23, 2006


Mark, Morgan and I are finished eating dinner. I hear them playing with the legos while I am typing.
Morgan is doing this new thing. Something like a melt down. This morning she did not want her eggs and she was throwing a fit about wanting to have pancakes. Not just a little fit but a major big time fit. The fits that make me want to cry too.
I didn't want to make her pancakes. I did have one that I had frozen last week that I gave to her. A frozen home made pancake made my day.
I thank God for the times when life is simple.

Time and time again I want to spend as much time with God as I do with Morgan.

April 23

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Were trained!

I really can't say enough good things about a potty trained little girl. Life sure is a lot easier. I must say Morgan mostly trained herself. Sometimes she does ask for a treat but I guess thats ok.

April 20th

Friday, April 14, 2006

Keep open the door of my heart

Parenting has been harder than I thought it would be. Adding just one person to the household has been more work. Cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. When I was a girl, my grandma would make dinner for my sisters and I. If my sister Colleen wanted something different for dinner she would make her what she wanted. I find myself thinking about doing that for Morgan. Then I remember than it is Morgan's job to eat what food is on the table and it's my job not to worry about it.

Potty training has been a big deal. I thought it was a quick and easy thing to do. Wrong. When Morgan forgets to use her special training potty and pees on the floor the best thing for the parent to do is to not make a big deal about it. Meanwhile I clean it up mumbling in my head about how I hope this doesn't ruin the wood floors.

Turning 3 has changed some things. Morgan is now sleeping thru the night. Most nights at least. You have to give her a piece of cheese right before she goes to sleep though. After Mark reads her the 3 books, I don't have to lay down next to her until she falls asleep. I now just sit next to her. I cross my legs next to her and try to meditate for a few minutes. It is actually pretty convenient. As long as you can meditate while someone is softly snoring. I tell her I will come and check on her and she stays in the bed and falls asleep. She is wearing big girl underpants. Morgan wears pull up diapers at night for accidents. She gets a star on a chart when she makes a pee-pee in her potty. Things are really quite good. Really.

Morgan and Mark were playing a game where Morgan gave Mark some stuffed animals. There names were: Pee-Pee, Pooh and Pinky Pie. I smile just remembering it.

Keep open the door of my heart.

April 14th

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Morgan is mostly sleeping thru the night and is almost potty trained. I think she and I will have the potty training done by Tuesday. I will then be able to send her to the spring camp at her school next week.

I need some time to be alone. I leave at the end of the month to go bury my mom in Boston. Since its me and my two sisters we thought we would also mail my grandmother's ashes and bury her next to my grandfather. I am feeling sad about this. I am also a little worried about leaving Morgan with Mark. We have never been apart. They have planned to go get the trailer.

This is the next day. I did not finish this last night.

I am to depressed to finish this now.

April 8th

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Scurvy Pirate

I put Morgan to bed at 8:00PM. I read her the 3 books and said, "Everyone sleeps in their own bed." I handed her the bottle and walked out of the room. She did not cry and ask me to come back. She went to sleep. I am so happy.

It just breaks my heart when I hear her crying for me. I feel like maybe I am doing something wrong by saying, "Go to sleep it is bedtime." I feel like I am losing my baby girl. As I sit here I remember hearing her singing this morning, "What should we do with the scurvy pirate" I smile and wonder if she even knows what a scurvy pirate is. Then I think wait, I don't even know what a scurvy pirate is either.

April 4

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Morgan woke up at 8:30

Its now 9:30 and Morgan did wake up at 8:30. I consider myself lucky that Mark is with Morgan on the couch watching the care bear movie. I can't watch twinkers and wish bear another night. Really.

April 2

Scary Things

I feel like it has been a long time since I have sat down to write my blog. Explanation. Claire was here last week.
Morgan is asleep and it is just 6:53PM. She fell asleep in the car at 6:00PM coming home from the Ice Age 2 movie. I really do not like it when she falls asleep this early because she might wake up at 8:00 and not be tired till 10:00PM. I also really really don't like the time change. I don't like putting the clock ahead. I like it to be sunny in the morning. Since I am talking about things I don't like... that grass in the Easter baskets and play dough. Both items are all over our house due to early easter gifts for Claire and Morgan.

Morgan, Claire and I went out on Wednesday night for burritos. Morgan and Claire were sitting on bar stools while I was placing the order. The next thing I heard was a big boom and Morgan crying. My heart was beating so fast. I picked her up from the floor and just held her. Morgan was crying pretty hard. I finished paying for the burritos and we went home. When we got home Morgan was still pretty upset. I took out the Your Baby and Child book to read about concussions. Soon after that Morgan did throw up, which I had just read was something to be watching for. The book said to call an ambulance. Morgan, Claire and I got in the car and set off for the hospital. I called Mark and he said he would meet there. After spending about an hour at the hospital with the doctor we were released with the head injury paperwork. Slight concussion. That was Scary. I didn't cry because I didn't want to scare Morgan but I felt like crying. I also didn't want to cry in front of the doctor when I was telling him about Morgan's symptoms. I wanted to call my mom but couldn't. I just prayed she would watch over Morgan being an official Angel now.

As we were leaving the hospital Morgan wanted a purple popsicle. At home Morgan was having her purple popsicle, smiling and drinking some translucent fluid. The doctor and the directions they handed us as we were leaving said to wake her every 2 hours. Needless to say there was no sleep for me that night.

I am so appreciative of how quick little children heal themselves. If I fell off a bar stool the next day I would be saying, "My shoulder hurts, my arm hurts, my head hurts". Morgan was slightly cranky the next day and nothing a 2 hour nap couldn't fix. I too was happy to have a nap. Sometimes a nap can fix just about anything.

April 1