Sunday, May 21, 2023

More Than Just Sitting Around

Glad to be back!

1. Could it be that tax season is never ending especially with California (except for 7 

counties in CA ) giving an automatic extension by both the IRS and FTB to file October 

16th. I sit at the computer 5 days a week and I cannot stand sitting at the computer at home?

2. My weekends are full going to the Farmers Market or Costco or Trader Joe's, coffee with 

friends, walking at Blackies Pasture (see photo ), hanging out with Mark, FaceTime with 

Morgan, or watching cartoons current fave is Bluey as it is 8 minutes and comes with good 

music, or working on posting memes for OhMyGod Life  (USE THIS LINK to visit the 

site) to work on my blog.

3. Umm my thoughts about politics/wars/drama/lies/really bad entertainment does not meet 

with my personal best, yes sometimes I am not at my personal best. When I'm not at my 

best that makes for a not so uplifting positive blog experience.

4. All 3 are possible yet I think my faith in myself keeps me going. I'm not just sitting 

around as I witness miracles everywhere I am and I stay focused on being grateful. Today I 

watched a little boy let go of his balloon and it floated down the street the Mom said do not 

run into the street to get it, thus the parents and the semi whining  boy walked away. 

Seriously 30 seconds later a woman came to the family and she was holding the balloon 

and handed it to the boy. 

I am sooooooooo grateful for Morgan to complete year 2 at university Illinois (Go Illini!) 

and keep her 4.0, I am soooo grateful for the laughter and sometimes craziness of my team 

members at my work, I am so grateful for singing in the choir, I am so grateful for my 

twice daily meditation that I perform each day without fail ok once or twice I have just 

done the 7AM and skipped the7PM, mostly I am so grateful that the Universe 

constantly provides me with everything I need and that there is no need to worry or fear as I 

am always taken care of, I AM a believer and I know what I know and that is the Universe 

is not out to get me, in the end regardless of the ups and downs of the experience I end up 

with exactly what I need although it may not appear as what I thought it would look like in 

the beginning.

Mother's Day 5.14.23

Monday, November 22, 2021

Small Is The Beginning Of Big


2021 is on it's way out. My plan it to celebrate not only the biggest events that took place

but to celebrate the smallest events that happen. 

I'm very grateful that Morgan said she like roasted Chicken better than Turkey. What a relief.

Less time in the kitchen and more time to build a gingerbread house.

Less time in the kitchen and more time to walk around the neighborhood.

Less time in the kitchen cleaning up pots and pans.

Less time in the kitchen and more time to sit on the couch and hug.  

Less time in the kitchen and more time playing board games.

Letting go of more and choosing less.

Peace and Love,


Sunday, October 17, 2021

How you do anything is how you do everything


How you do anything is how you do everything

Ok dropping Morgan off at collage was a total, streaming light through the clouds experience.

Before we dropped her off in the beautiful small town of Urbana-Champaign, 

our week of goodbye in Chicago was one of the best family vacations we have ever had. 

Morgan said it was second to Ireland. 

I've been to Chicago in the summer before, this time the weather was NOT 

muggy, hot and humid. 

We were able to walk everywhere, ok sometimes we did take an Uber but let me tell you, 

I Love Chicago! I'd live there if it didn't snow. 

People were saying "Oh, your going to be an empty nester" 

I don't know what that word even means. 

Empty nest doesn't exists when you use Facetime. 

We use it all the time. It's like she is at home. 

The Universe Spirit God (your pick) has provided me with plenty to do.

Good works thru me (or should I say God) and I'm finding Joy in seating quietly, or writing this 

overdue blog while Kiki out cat sits on my desk watching me.

Actually Kiki is probably sitting here as a reminder for me to feed her.

There is plenty to do. Thinking about what time I should put the chicken in the Instant Pot. The 

Instant Pot that also has the lid that can be set to broil so the skin is nice and crispy when done.

I guess I'm happy that I take the time to breath in Peace and breathe out relaxation.

I am happy to know Morgan is comfortable living in the dorm at University Illinois. 

She was very excited to tell me that when doing the laundry at school it's free. 

Well its also free at home but I guess doing her own laundry is the real excitement. 

I have started calling her the Queen of 93. Why??? 

Well her last calculus test she got a 93 and for the architecture midterm she got a 93. 

Besides it kind of funny to say or maybe it's just a Mom thing.

I am ever so grateful for all I have.

Peace and Love,


Sunday, July 04, 2021

Power and Freedom to Choose


Freedom to me means the power to choose. Do I choose single scoop or double scoop?  

right or left? caffeinated or decaf?

This is a real life story of choosing a different way, walking a different path. 

Take a trip to Costco with me. When we walk thru the door we veer right to the meat aisle, 

then to the cleaning aisle, then milk/eggs aisle, then cereal/soup aisle 

and end up at the registers. 

Walking into Costco I said lets go around backwards. 

I wanted to get the protein powder for our smoothies first. 

I was speaking my Truth. 

Listening to the Spirit inside, the creator of new ideas.

Yes there was grumbling from Mark. 

The kind that says "that's not the way we do it".

Once we were finished with the left side we made our way to the meat asile. 

We turned the corner and right in front of us was one of Mark's closest friends 

who we haven't seen in almost 3 months.

We were so glad to see a man who had spent 3 months in the hospital driving the shopping

cart with wheels.

Had we gone into Costco and done our shopping in usual way we would have missed his friend. 

Choosing to do things in a new way resulted in an opportunity to share love and 


I like "the unusual", following new ideas because I have the Power and Freedom to do it.

Peace & Love, Gaelen

Sunday, June 06, 2021

There Is Beauty Here


If I see a wasp I will either say someone get a broom or I will get a 
broom and shoo it out of the house or beat it away. Sometimes beating it away could end up in a death situation for the wasp but not always. I do have to say while working on the cabin remodel, once the drywall was removed there was a wasp nest. Two things I am super glad about was 1. I wasn't there. 2. The winter 10 degree weather removed anyone from getting stung as wasps are not friends with being frozen. I'm sure they thought in the summer of some unknown year "Yay, this looks like a good nice warm place!" Interesting how sometimes you think something is really great and it turns out to be not really great at all. That is a conversation for another time. Anyway when Mark texted me the picture I was stunned by the creative beauty here. It almost looks like a bowl attached to the wood. Amazing wasps work together to form that. A nest to protect the queen. An effort to save a life so to say. There is soooo much we can do working together. Everything Is Awesome Everything Is Cool When Your Part Of A Team (taken from the Lego movie). Collaboration, vison ideas, realization of goals, service, the feeling of happiness when you realize you don't have to do everything alone. I have found that a sense of belonging opens my heart. Small groups, zoom groups, mask wearing groups, outdoor groups, make up your own group.

Peace and Love, Gaelen

Friday, January 01, 2021

365 Opportunities


                                Happy 2021!

Thank you to Elizabeth Austin for the cartoon :)  

Yes I've been quiet, I've also been happy in my quiet. Actually I've been very happy. 

The path I've been walking on has provided me with many realizations, 

one of them being the quote "All Is Well" is actually a statement of TRUTH.  

2020 brought me a garden, alone time to deepen my inner being, a cabin in Tahoe and a

stationary bicycle. I could go on but hopefully you get the message, All Is Well.

What I'm trying to say is, my outside is a reflection of my inside. I am happy and proud to 

say it.

Yes there were some upsets, global climate changes (fires in No. Cal), Covid-19 pandemic 

(Morgan is doing her senior year online), the killing of George Floyd (Black Lives Matter). 

This is a short list, visit 2020-Wikipedia if you feel the need to review what happened.

One realization for me is that prayer works and I use it 24/7. 

I remember that there is only one presence and that it is the presence of love and it is 


I am a child of the loving presence, in me contains everything that the loving presence is, 

strength, joy, opulence, wisdom. 

I have the ability to choose happiness and release any fear that has a grip on me and

the knowledge that All Is Well regardless of circumstances.

My ability to know what is true for me is true for you!

2021 offers 365 opportunities for you to choose what brings you happiness. It could be 

exercise, reading books, sitting by the fireplace, sewing, zoom calls, meditation, cooking, 

walking your dog, petting your cat, gardening, going to the beach, I could go on and on.

The question is, what works for you? What do you need to release from 2020 that is 

holding you from becoming New Year New You? 

Peace and Love, Gaelen

Monday, September 14, 2020

I'm Tired

Ok, this was at 9:47AM, at first I thought "oh my" did I miss the time change? I'm not even posting the view from the kitchen window because even the iphone camera couldn't get the tree in focus, we were both confused. . That is what Wednesday looked like ALL day. It was spooktacular in the science fiction creepy scary sort of way. Yes its been 6 days and I'm still tired. I know the dawn is approaching, a new day is coming and things are getting better all the time (listen to the Beatles) Getting so much better alll the time! Its getting better all the time. Better Better Better, Its getting better all the time. I'm making a better day for myself buy staying in the NOW moment. Right now the air is still smokey, on the iphone it does say un healthy so I'm not going to talk a walk outside. In this now moment I'm going to eat a few frozen grapes and sing to myself. I can take the time to pray for all sorts of things. You can make up your own prayer list, anything you want is good. Like peace for all beings involved in the curious time. You get the idea right? Right now I am choosing to see the beauty that is all around me even when it looks wired. I'm choosing Peace in my confusion. I'm choosing meditation for 20 minutes twice a day to stay in silence and live larger than life. PS my tiredness has gone away.